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La Galerie Chorégraphique, come ufficio di produzione artistica internazionale, si propone di promuovere la danza contemporanea e di trasmettere la cultura coreografica. Fondata da Jean-Pascal Blanchard e Thierry Gourmelen nel 2001, la sua missione è quella di rendere la danza accessibile a un pubblico eterogeneo, in particolare a coloro che sono lontani dall'offerta artistica e culturale.La Galerie Chorégraphique, come ufficio di produzione artistica internazionale, si propone di promuovere la danza contemporanea e di trasmettere la cultura coreografica.  Fondata da Jean-Pascal Blanchard e Thierry Gourmelen nel 2001, la sua missione è rendere la danza accessibile a un pubblico ampio, in particolare a coloro che sono lontani dall'offerta artistica e culturale.

La Galerie Chorégraphique is committed to the local community, as demonstrated by its participation in the following projects:

- Between 2006 and 2008 in a production in the Poitou-Charentes region for the inauguration of the TAP, scène nationale de Poitiers, involving 15 regional theaters.

- Since 2012, in the production of a local arts project in Carcassonne as part of the city's urban policy. 

- Between 2018 and 2020 to the conception and management of the Dissidanses project in the Corsican region, aiming to support the opening up of artists in this island territory.

This regional involvement underlines La Galerie Chorégraphique's commitment to supporting and energizing the local art scene, thus contributing to the cultural and international influence of the regions.

La Galerie Chorégraphique also seeks to create federative events linked to societal issues, such as the Femmes En-Jeu(x) Festival from 2012 to 2014 and the "Goûters Mouvementés" since 2020, which are concrete examples testifying to its commitment to important themes, such as Women's Rights and Cultural Rights.

Committed to sustainable international cooperation, Galerie Chorégraphique co-founded the Quartiers-Danse festival in Montreal, Canada, which is now in its 23rd year. In 2007, it developed a training and artistic production program in Benin, founding a subsidiary, the Boyi-Bowa, Arts & Société association, which works to train young people. By supporting international projects, it contributes to the mutual enrichment of cultures and encourages the emergence of talent in contexts where access to art can be limited. Since 2020, it has been developing an international network committed to making choreographic culture accessible to as many people as possible, through Erasmus + European best-practice exchange projects. It is also involved in the Danses-Cités-Carcassonne international festival. This cross-cultural cooperation strengthens links between artists, fosters creative exchanges and offers unique opportunities for learning and mutual inspiration.

In conclusion, Galerie Chorégraphique stands out for its holistic approach to promoting contemporary dance. By combining international projects, regional collaborations and socially committed events, it makes a significant contribution to cultural enrichment, artistic emergence and awareness of societal issues. Its commitment to diversity and inclusion is demonstrated through concrete actions, making it an essential player in the dissemination and preservation of choreographic culture.


La Galerie Chorégraphique, teaser, audio-visual calling card

Danses-Cités-Carcassonne, 2020 edition

Dance-Highways, a gathering of European artists in Carcassonne in March 2022, including a group of students and trainers from the Ecole de la 2nde Chance, a training and integration center.

La Parade du Cygne, an intergenerational and intercultural event in Ouidah, Benin, in January 2022.

Répertory Emergency, an artistic and educational podcast on the recent history of contemporary dance.

Nick&Martin, choreographic residency for Austrian artists at a Carcassonne school in July 2023.

Les Goûters Mouvementés, summer choreographic season in the working-class neighborhood of La Conte in Carcassonne - Richard Adossou (Benin) in September 2022.

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