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Fundacja Rozwoju Teatru

‘NOWA FALA’- Pologne

HOTELOKO movement makers collective


Fundacja Rozwoju Teatru ‘NOWA FALA’ [frt:nf] / Theatre Developement Foundation ‘NEW WAVE’ was founded by Agata Życzkowska, director, actress, dancer, choreographer, performer, producer, dance promotor and manager.

The Foundation ‘New Wave’ is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 and based in Warsaw/Poland. The Foundation aims is to promote and integrate the artists associated with the contemporary dance and experimental theater. We carry out dance productions and dance events. Our activities include Dance Nights – the evening of meetings between debuting and mature dance artists. We are interested in the exchange of experiences between Polish dance artists and such artists from Europe and all over the world. We run also workshops and projects for young people. We collaborates with several cultural institutions in Warsaw. The Foundation has experience in participating in European projects in the Erasmus+ program.

The dance collective HOTELOKO movement makers operates within foundation. HOTELOKO works mainly in the area of ​​new choreography and dance experiment. The artists creates artistic, educational and social projects touching upon topics such as community, freedom, tolerance, ecology, human rights, education, and the city. They also works with foreign partners in cooperation with organizations and institutions from all over the world. The collective has produced several performances which were presented at festivals in Poland and abroad. Collective has developed its own language, a somewhat freaky dance style focusing on diversity resulting from the artists’ different roots.

HOTELOKO movement makers produces performances that touch reality. Dramaturgy is inspired by today’s world. A characteristic feature of the collective’s work is the unpredictability and the involvement of public in the performances. In many scenes, it is the audience who performatively co-creates the world together with the artists. The main idea is to blur the line between public and performers, reverse roles and play with expectations. The most important criterion is honesty. The artist work mainly in Warsaw, but also cooperate with foreign partners. The performances are presented in Polish and English.

Foundation’s aims are:

Support and integration of dance and theater artists: directors, actors, dancers, choreographers, playwrights, designers, musicians, photographers, video artists, filmmakers;

Promoting the integration of dance groups that operate in the countries of Europe and the world;

Support local initiatives for the promotion of culture;

The educational activities that will have the task to bring young people to the dance and theater and its potential in today’s world;

Equalize opportunities for children and young people (including disabled) in the development of artistic and cultural life through dance and theater.

We are open to participate as partner in the projects related to the development of contemporary dance in all experimental forms of new conceptual dance, adapting to new technologies. We are interested in topics related to human rights, ecology, tolerance and modern forms of education.



Agata Życzkowska

HOTELOKO movement makers collective

Tel. +48 883 760 405


U:NEW Dance Wave Festival

Foundation 'NEW WAVE'

Fundacja Rozwoju Teatru 'NOWA FALA'

ul. Ateńska 2/13903-978 Warsaw / Poland 

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